Greatest, oldest, weirdest, coldest . . . Covering the gamut of extremes, this little box contains 156 cards, each one featuring a question guaranteed to get people of all ages talking, thinking, and laughing like never before. Grab any card and let the extreme fun begin! For ages 8 to 108.
- Dinner parties
- Family gatherings
- Vacations and trips
- Classroom activities
- Business ice-breakers
- Hostess gifts
156 stylized cards, 3.75" x 3" x 1.25" plastic case
Order Code: CPG
ISBN: 978-193953205-3
How to Play
Pick any card in the deck at any time; there is no particular order to the questions. Feel free to reword or alter any question in the pack. Each question is simply a starting point; take it in any direction you desire. Try to avoid one-word answers. Instead, expand on your answers as often as you can, allowing the question to lead into a full-blown conversation.